Mezoterapia z egzosoami ASCE+
Mezoterapia mikroigłowa to zabieg stymulujący naturalne procesy naprawcze skóry poprzez wytworzenie w niej sieci mikrokanalików, za pomocą pulsujących igieł. Pobudza to również fibroblasty do produkcji włókien kolagenowych i elastynowych oraz pozwala wprowadzić aktywne składniki do naskórka i skóry właściwej. Zabieg mikronakłuwania wpływa na poprawę nawilżenia i odżywienia skóry, ujednolicenia jej kolorytu i tekstury, jak również redukcję blizn, rozstępów oraz drobnych linii zmarszczek.
Działanie regenerujące i anti-age zabiegu dermapen wzmocnione jest poprzez zastosowanie w 100% czystych egzosomów, pozyskiwanych z komórek macierzystych róży damasceńskiej, które najbardziej przypominają egzosomy człowieka.
Czym są egzmosomy?
Egzosomy to najnowszy, światowy trend w kosmetologii regeneracyjnej i medycynie estetycznej. Są to mikroskopijne pęcherzyki międzykomórkowe, wydzielane przez komórki macierzyste, które służą do komunikacji z innymi komórkami. Egzosomy mają zdolność przenikania przez naskórek do głębszych warstw skóry i działają tam gdzie jest to potrzebne. Dostarczają mnóstwo substancji odżywczych oraz przeciwutleniaczy lipidy, mineraly, kwas hialuronowy witaminy, czy antyoksydanty, aktywują procesy naprawcze, odnowę komórkową i stymulują produkcje kolagenu i elastyny. Egzosomy nie są żywymi komórkami i nie zmieniają DNA naszych komórek, ich stosowanie jest bezpieczne i nie wywołuje działań niepożądanych.
Egzosomy mogą być wykorzystywane w różnych procedurach kosmetologicznych włączając w to mikronakłuwanie. Podczas zabiegu dermapenem egzosomy są wprowadzane do wytworzonych mikrokanalikow w skórze i tam przekazują sygnały, które pobudzają komórki do działań regeneracyjnych, dostarczają składniki aktywne i wpływają też łagodząco na procesy zapalne oraz wzmocnienie bariery ochronnej skóry. Efekty jakie uzyskujemy po zastosowaniu egzosomów są rozmaite w zależności od celu terapii.
Twarz, szyja, dekolt
Acne scarring, other scars, stretch marks, fine lines and wrinkles, loose and sagging skin, hyperpigmentation and dull, lifeless skin in need of regeneration
Microneedling and perforation of the top layers of the skin to stimulate collagen and elastin production
90 minutes per session
Rarely reports uncomfortable. Numbing cream may be used.
Long-lasting. Once annual maintenance treatments extend results.
Final results seen 3months after final treatment in a course.
€250 as a single area treatment
Twarz 1800
Twarz + Szyja 2200
Twarz + Szyja + Dekolt 2400
Frequently Asked Questions
+ - What is microneedling?
Microneedling, also referred to as collagen induction therapy, is a cosmetic procedure that utilizes a specialized device containing fine needles to create minuscule punctures in the skin's surface. These microscopic injuries prompt the body's innate healing mechanisms, leading to the generation of collagen and elastin, vital proteins that contribute to the maintenance of resilient and youthful skin.
+ - How long does it take to see results from microneedling?
The time it takes to see results from microneedling can vary depending on individual factors such as the skin's condition, the specific concerns being addressed, and the depth of the treatment. In general, some immediate improvements may be noticed after the first session, such as a refreshed complexion and improved skin texture. However, optimal results typically develop gradually over a period of several weeks to months as collagen production increases and the skin's renewal process takes effect.
+ - What does microneedling do?
Microneedling can offer a range of benefits for the skin. It can improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, reduce the visibility of acne scars, minimize pore size, enhance skin texture and tone, and promote a more youthful and rejuvenated complexion. Additionally, microneedling can enhance the absorption and effectiveness of skincare products applied after the procedure, maximizing their benefits.
+ - What to apply after microneedling?
After microneedling, it is important to follow the post-treatment instructions provided by your skincare professional. Typically, a gentle and hydrating serum or moisturizer is recommended to soothe and nourish the skin. Specific products may vary depending on individual needs, but it is generally advisable to avoid harsh or irritating ingredients immediately after the procedure.
+ - Can you do microneedling on your neck?
Yes, microneedling can be performed on the neck area to address concerns such as fine lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and uneven texture. The neck is a common area where visible signs of aging can occur, and microneedling can help stimulate collagen production and improve the overall appearance of the skin in that area.
+ - How many microneedling sessions are needed for acne scars?
The number of microneedling sessions required to address acne scars can vary depending on factors such as the severity of the scarring, the individual's skin type, and the desired level of improvement. In general, a series of 3 to 6 treatments, spaced approximately 4 to 6 weeks apart, is often recommended to achieve noticeable results.
+ - How often can you get microneedling?
The frequency of microneedling treatments can depend on various factors, including the individual's skin condition, goals, and the intensity of the treatment performed. In most cases, a recommended interval between sessions is 4 to 6 weeks to allow for proper skin healing and collagen remodeling. However, the precise timing may vary based on individual circumstances and should be determined by a skincare professional.
+ - Can you sweat after microneedling?
After microneedling, it is generally advised to avoid excessive sweating or strenuous exercise for the first 24 to 48 hours. Sweating can increase the risk of infection and may cause discomfort to the treated skin.
+ - Can you do microneedling while pregnant?
Microneedling is generally not recommended during pregnancy due to the lack of research on its effects during this period. It is always best to consult with your healthcare provider or dermatologist before undergoing any cosmetic procedures while pregnant to ensure the safety of the procedure.
+ - Is mesotherapy the same as microneedling?
While both treatments involve the use of needles, they serve different purposes. Microneedling focuses on stimulating collagen production and improving the overall texture and appearance of the skin. It involves creating controlled micro-injuries with fine needles to trigger the body's natural healing response. On the other hand, mesotherapy is a technique that involves injecting a customized cocktail of vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial substances into the mesodermal layer of the skin.